Peggy Lee

Ultimate Christmas: Vinyl 2LP


Release date: 25 September, 2020

My grandmother loved all holidays that brought friends and family together, but there was no occasion that she looked forward to as much as Christmas. She snapped into holiday-mode every November, designing her yearly greeting card, making gift lists, ordering her “snow” flocked Christmas trees (which she covered in colorful balloons), planning parties, creating menus, and of course, there was a lot of shopping and a whole lot of wrapping. Her house became a virtual Christmas factory, and it was fun and exciting to be a part of all of the activity.

She loved to entertain at holiday time, and as you might imagine, music was the centerpiece of her parties. She played on her stereo Christmas carols sung by all of her favorite artists, who also happened to be some of her good friends. She didn’t play her own Christmas album, Christmas Carousel, unless her guests insisted (which was a common occurrence).

The highlight of every party was when the live music began. Once her guests were well-imbibed and comfortable, my grandmother would settle into her chaise lounge in her living room, pull out her microphone and start to sing. She would invite guests to join in on these impromptu holiday concerts, and since she had so many talented musician friends, this was no ordinary sing-along. These were magical moments, forever imprinted in my mind.

But as much as she loved the fun and festivities of the holidays, my grandmother was drawn to something beyond that. What she loved most about Christmas was the same thing that she loved about singing: it was a conduit to connection.

Through her writing and singing, she sent and received love, and this was especially true at holiday time, when hearts can be more open. You need look no further than some of the Christmas lyrics that she penned to see the message that she hoped to impart, which was for everyone in the world to have health, happiness, peace, friendship and have them wish it back to her.

Wishing you all a joy-filled holiday time and angels on your pillow.

Holly Foster Wells

Vinyl LP