Leaving Laurel

When The Quiet Comes: Cream Vinyl 2xLP


Release date: 16 June, 2023

Leaving Laurel announce their sophomore album 'when the   quiet comes' via  Anjunadeep. The   announcement marks a new chapter for   band members Gordon Huntley and   Griff Fulton following the   difficult loss    of  Pierce Fulton, whose talent and   passion were immortalised in Leaving Laurel's acclaimed self-titled 2020 debut album. There is a unique songwriting process central to  'when the   quiet comes'; a reflective record awash withwarm piano, inviting textural percussion, and   delicate melodies. As  Huntley discovered recordings laid   down byhimself and   Pierce years prior, he  was   driven to  continue what they had  started. Like    seeds planted in  the   winter, forgotten musical ideas emerged and   flourished, providing a cathartic sense of  closure for   Huntley and   a new musical beginning for   the   band: "Who do  we   become when we're alone? When the   story is over, and   we've acknowledged the   silence - that's when the   quiet comes. Making this   record was   my   search to  find    purpose after Pierce passed. It  was   a light to  show me   a way   forward. A way   for   me   to  grieve, a way   for   me   to  hold onto the   memories. A eulogy to  my   friend. This   is the   album I always hoped Pierce and   I would make together one   day. It's  my   attempt to  continue the   dream we   had, to  take what we   had  started with our   first    album to  a secret place beyond the   club. To  make a soundtrack for   the   moments where everything stands still.   A record that   could showcase the   culmination of  every unique influence we   shared as friends. A record that   could be  important enough to  outlive us  both. A record that   I hope would have made him  proud. It's  the   hardest I've   worked on  anything in  my   entire life,    and   the   proudest I've   ever been of  any   music I've   made. If  the   road for   leaving laurel were to  end   here, I know I gave it my   all.  I created something with the   pieces of  what Pierce and   I had   started, and   it feels like   the   most honest album I could show to  the   world." Gordon Huntley A tale  of  two   old   friends, Gordon and   Pierce, Leaving Laurel connected the   duo   musically for   the   first    time after being close friends for   almost a decade. Since their debut release in  2020, the   duo   have garnered a fervent fanbase and   widespread support. Their recently released EP,   'fireflies (for    as far  as we   could see)', received an  overwhelmingly warm reception from fans and   tastemakers alike, including Black Coffee, Sultan + Shepard and   David Hohme, as well    as further radio support from BBC    Radio 1 and SiriusXM.



Disc: 1
1.  one  last  thing you  never said
2.  and  those guardian angels carried you  away
3.  you  need to  be  there for  them
4.  there is beauty when you  allow yourself to  see
5.  better days will  come

Disc: 2
1.  holding on  like  it's  the  last  time
2.  a love, a loss
3.  from nothing came something and  you  lasted a lifetime

Vinyl LP