
Stamp Albums: Alternative Volume 2 Litho Print


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Release date: 8 January, 2020

A new print celebrating the most influential and exciting alternative albums from 2000 - 2018. 4-colour litho print with silver foil 120gsm KeayKolour Snow White uncoated paper H80 x W60cm We’ve reimagined 42 seminal alternative albums from this period as a series of oversized postage stamps starting in the year 2000 with the critically acclaimed Sophtware Slump by Grandaddy and concluding with Idles and their Mercury Prize nominated album Joy As an Act of Resistance and the legends of indie rock Low and their 2018 album Double Negative.. Other classic albums featured include The Strokes and Is This It?, Interpol and Turn On the Bright Lights, The White Stripes and Elephant, Arcade Fire and Funeral, The National and Alligator, Sufjan Stephens and Illinois, Arctic Monkeys and Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, Fleet Foxes and their eponymous debut album, Animal Collective and Merriweather Post Pavilion and Vampire Weekend and Modern Vampires of the City. Each stamp features a graphic inspired by the album (or tracks on the album), the date of release, the label it was released on and its running time.